foot care

Foot Care


Foot care is a fundamental part of your skincare routine. Your feet are amazing, but without effective foot care, they may be susceptible to issues. Your feet are sturdy, hard-working, operate as a grounding connection to the earth and really do require as much love and attention as your beautiful face does. Every stride you take puts pressure on your feet.

Your feet lack the natural oil glands that the rest of our skin has so your feet are naturally drier and prone to problems like cracked heels, dry, flaky and peeling skin, especially during winter. If you are wearing incorrect footwear or poorly ventilated sneakers or shoes, then you may be heading towards other foot issues such as calluses, bunions, corns, athlete’s foot, foot odour, cracked heels and fungal infections.


Our highly effective foot care tips will help prevent and treat any issues your feet may suffer from such as bacterial and fungal infections, cracked heels and dry skin. Establish a skin care routine which incorporates your feet, they are often crying out for help and sometimes a lack of effective foot care may lead to, or reflect problems in other parts of your body.

As part of our 100% botanically based natural problem-solving skincare and pharmaceutical products, Botáni has lovingly blended a beautiful selection of products to address your feet. Your feet will be stunning, healthy and happy with our simple but highly effective foot care products and tips.



Soak your feet in warm water followed by cleansing your feet with our quality certified organic ingredients and skin friendly plant actives that are in sync with your skin. Suggested Products:

  • Eco-Clear Body Bar
  • PhytoBody Wash


While your feet are still wet, massage a small amount of our natural, hydrating, antibacterial, detoxifying, purifying and exfoliating Spirulina Salt Scrub into your feet to smooth your skin and help fight against any foot issues you may have including foot odour. Massage into the heels and soles of your feet for at least 2 minutes. Rinse granules away with warm water and dry your feet thoroughly. Suggested Product:

  • Spirulina Salt Scrub


An optional step is to treat any skin irritations or fungal infections you may have with Botani’s Phytoseptic Anti-Fungal Skin Cream. We recommend using our remarkable natural formulation, proven to be useful in the treatment of common fungal and candida infections, twice daily for as long as required. Suggested Product:

  • Phytoseptic Anti-Fungal Skin Cream.


Hydrating and nourishing your feet is essential, and we have a range of highly effective options. Suggested Products:

  • Olivéne Repair Balm – deeply enriching to nourish, repair and protect dry, cracked skin.
  • Olive Hand and Body Cream – if you prefer a creamy consistency.
  • Nourishing Body Oil – hydrating with antibacterial, antifungal and anti-irritant properties.

While lovingly massaging any of these products into your feet, focus on pressing into your foot reflexology points to revitalise your feet, mind, body and soul. All products will nourish and soften your skin so we suggest enjoying our foot care treatment at least once a week to keep your feet smooth, soft, healthy and stunning.

Clinically Proven

Clinically Proven

Cruelty Free

Cruelty Free

Natural Organic

Natural Organic

Vegan Certified

100% Vegan Certified

Australian Made

Australian Made